Nearshore Software Development


What You Need To Know

Are there minimum or maximum team sizes?

Most of our teams range from 5-30 people. But we can accommodate any size team.

Are your resources as skilled as those in the US?

Yes. Many Latin American countries are popular software development outsourcing destinations due to their large, educated, and experienced talent pools. Strong government and educational support, significant foreign direct investment, and decades of experience delivering software outsourcing services to the U.S. mean you will access the necessary skills to achieve outsourcing success.

For example? Barranquilla, the 4th largest city in Colombia and the location of a Velozient development center, has 9 universities that produce computer science and computer engineering graduates. Barranquilla’s largest export is software services (58% of IT exports) to the U.S. and Canada. Colombia produces 13,000+ engineering graduates annually!

Are your resources skilled in Agile?

Yes. We meet the requirements of our clients including experience in Agile/SCRUM. Most of our clients require this, and it is a ready skillset to find.

Can I bring my team to the US?

Absolutely, but understand it will take a little time for your Resource Manager to secure the required VISAs. They will gladly help with travel arrangements as well.

Can I visit my team at your office?

We encourage you to do this as face-to-face interaction can foster teamwork and productivity improvements. Online conferencing systems, such as Zoom, WebEx, and MSFT Teams make this less necessary these days, but in person bonding can have positive effects.

How long does it take to staff my team?

It could be as little as 1 week to as many as 5-6 weeks depending on your requirements. Of course, the more unique the skillset needed, the longer it may take to find the right fit. Click contact us and tell us what you need. We will get right back to you.

Is my team dedicated or shared with others?

You will have dedicated resources assigned to you with the exception of a project manager resource if requested, who may work on a fractional basis depending on the project.

What if I decide later that I don’t like someone assigned to my team?

If you are dissatisfied with one of your resources, let your assigned Resource Manager know. We are often able to coach or counsel to get the results you desire. If that doesn’t work out, we will gladly find a replacement at no cost to you.

What programming languages and technologies do you support?

These are some of the languages/technologies we work with, but don’t let the fact that what you need is shown here be a showstopper – we can often find what you need. Click contact us and tell us what you need and we will get right back to you.

Who decides which resource will be allocated to my team?

You do. We locate the resources and present them to you. You choose who to interview and determine whether they meet your needs. In the end, it’s your team and your decision on who works within your organization.

Who manages my team day-to-day?

Typically we don’t put Management between you and your team. But with larger teams it may become necessary to have local management. Most organizations leverage in-house leads and managers with experience managing remote teams. If you desire it, we will gladly secure local team leaders and/or local managers. But for the most part, managing your remote teams will be no different than managing your local teams.

How are you different?

There are 3 differences that distinguish us from other outsourcing service providers.

We’ve walked in your shoes. Our U.S.-based leadership understands the entire software development process having built software for decades across numerous U.S. industries.

We make outsourcing easy. Our nearshore resources are in the same or similar time zone as mainland U.S. allowing for increased collaboration and productivity between your team and our remote resources.

We have skin in the game. If you are unhappy with a resource in the first 30 days, we will find a new one, and you don’t owe us anything for that first month. Over time, if you no longer want to use our services for any reason, just give us 60 days notice, and you are done!

How do I cancel?

Your satisfaction is of utmost concern for us. We realize that business conditions change—sometimes there are acquisitions, mergers, divestitures, or products are end-of-lifed, and the need for a remote team may dissipate. No matter the case, simply give us 60 days notice to allow us to place folks into other opportunities.

How reliable are digital communications?

Extremely reliable across Latin America. In Colombia, for instance, there are 10 submarine cables that connect to the world—5 of them enter Colombia at Barranquilla where we have a development center. Across the region, the cellular and land networks in the major urban areas are no different than those in the U.S.

How safe is it there?

The U.S. news headlines often paint a different, more tumultuous picture of what is really happening on the ground in Latin American countries. The influence of drug cartels diminished greatly in the early 1990’s, and substantive political unrest generally subsided soon after. Does it represent the same stability as here in the U.S.? Not exactly, but the type of civil unrest (e.g., government protests) most commonly seen in the news is analogous to ones we see in the States.

Investors agree that Latin America is a good bet as foreign direct investment, a measure of investor confidence in the region, is pouring into Latin American countries in which Velozient recruits. Also, large technology companies and consulting firms have established presences throughout Latin America creating a business climate that continues to grow in the double digits year over year.

Is English really that prevalent?

In most Latin American countries, English is required in school and is growing as a commonly spoken second language. English is also the lingua franca within technology services, which means there is a large pool of software development resources that communicate clearly and effectively with U.S. clients. So that clients have an easy outsourcing experience, Velozient screens resources for their English-speaking ability and typically neutral accent.

What administrative support do you provide?

Every team has an assigned Resource Manager (RM). These are often shared across multiple teams. You may of course have a dedicated RM should that be desired. RMs will assure that all administrative needs including payroll, vacation, sick time, equipment, compliance, taxes, etc. are taken care of for you and will assist when there are behavioral or performance issues to address.

What should I expect to pay for your resources?

Typically, you should expect to save about 70% over local U.S. resources. Alternatively, triple your team while staying at your existing development budget.

The exact cost will vary depending on the number of resources and required experience levels. Contact us, and we will gladly discuss this with you.